Chelsea Kwakye

Chelsea Kwakye is a British-Ghanaian History graduate from Homerton College, Cambridge. Whilst at Cambridge she was the only black girl in her year group of around 200 people studying History. During her time at university, she was Homerton’s BME officer and Vice-President of the African-Caribbean Society.

She is currently studying at the University of Law in preparation for a training contract with a city law firm in London.



Ọrẹ Ogunbiyi

Ore Ogunbiyi is a Nigerian-British Politics and International Relations graduate from Jesus College, Cambridge. Whilst at Cambridge she pioneered the Benin Bronze Repatriation campaign, the #BlackMenofCambridgeUniversity campaign and was President of the African-Caribbean Society.

She has since completed a Masters in Journalism at Columbia University, New York and is currently working as a Special Assistant and Speechwriter to the Vice President of Nigeria.
